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Research Incubator

The Food 4 Thought Festival is committed to supporting student initiatives through our six levels of change. Through our "Interdisciplinary Research" level, we strive to create student research opportunities, promote academic collaborations, establish new research centers and consortia, and encourage students pursue their own lines of scientific inquiry. With our Research Incubator,  we aim to highlight the groundbreaking, food-related research being conducted by attending students and encourage curious individuals to partake in their own research endeavors.


Poster Showcase

*Posters will be due 4/7/24*

*Abstract will be due 4/5/24*

The Poster Showcase will function as a traditional research fair and represents a valuable opportunity for undergraduate students to practice presentation skills and learn from other student researchers in the field. Interested students can submit abstracts on research (both scientific and literary) that they have conducted relating to alternative proteins, food systems, etc. This could also include any educational initiatives related to food systems, etc that they have taken at their universities.


*Abstract will be due 4/5/24*

*Poster will be due 4/7/24*

Research Pitch Competition

The Research Pitch Competition will serve as an opportunity to research, design, and propose a hypothetical idea about how to investigate or transform the food system. Additionally, we would like to provide monetary support to a select few projects in order to implement their proposition. Students will work together in teams of 1-5 individuals to submit research project proposals. For students looking for a team, please indicate you are looking for a team on the application form.

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